Monopalooza 2025 Event Sponsors
We would like to dedicate this page to thank our sponsors for their continued work and donations. Monopalooza is a growing, community-driven event that would not take place without their work and support.
Over the years, Monopalooza has grown to attract over 100 attendees. This event was born to honor those individuals who traverse the powder snowfields on a monoski.
Each year, volunteers from the community put forth effort and personal time to organize and host Monoaplooza. WhiteKnuckle Monoskis and Coda Boards helped start the event and continue to be major contributors. World MonoBoard has joined the crew and continues to show great enthusiasm and style every year!
Special Event Sponsors for 2025
Sky Tavern
Bobo’s Ski Board Patio
Grass Sticks Bamboo Ski Poles
Rado Racks
Rig Strips