Cinco De Mono 2024
5/3/24 Winter Park Mary Jane Base
5/4/24 Arapahoe Basin - Dinner to follow at 6:00pm at the Dillon Dam Brewery, 100 Little Dam St, Dillon, CO 80435
5/5/24 Loveland Basin
Snow is coming still falling in Colorado! Things are shaping up for a great weekend of spring skiing.
I'm looking forward to The Cirque, The East Wall, and The Ridge skiing
This year we will have:
1) A group gathering of chairs and grill. Bring some food to cook/share. We'll be set up in the parking lot. (no reserved space)
2) Saturday Night Dinner at 6:00pm at Dillon Dam Brewery, 100 Little Dam St, Dillon, CO 80435
3) Group picture each day
Ikon pass holders may have discounts if you need to purchase a ticket.
WinterPark MaryJane:
Arapahoe: https://store.arapahoebasin.com/.../c/full-day-lift-tickets
Loveland: We can usually get cheap tickets in the parking lot.
Lodging: stay in Keystone, Dillon, Silverthorne or Georgetown.